Wash the dust from your soul and heart with wisdom’s water; awaken, lest your two eyes be left gazing at this dusty place in remorse. - Rumi

We can do better.
We must do better.
The question is how?

Wisdom’s Daughter is the collective effort of everyday consumers working in travel, fashion, food and technology. Our goal is to rebuild a kinder, more inclusive economy by advocating wisdom as a catalyst for change.

We believe by holding space for traditional wisdom and indigenous voices we can learn how to rebuild a more regenerative economy which is inclusive of people and the planet.

We are guided by indigenous voices from Māori in Aotearoa (New Zealand) to the Maasai in East Africa. Together, we translate traditional wisdom into operating systems ready to implement by communities, industry and governments.

We are made of innovators, indigenous voices, creatives, entrepreneurs and growers. Together we can be the change we wish to see in the world.

Wisdom is the coordination of “knowledge and experience” and “its deliberate use to improve well being.”

Grossmann, et al. (2017)

Nesolai, a Maasai matriarch made of wisdom and grace, hails from Ol Donyo Lengai (Mountain of God).

Nesolai, a Maasai matriarch made of wisdom and grace, hails from Ol Donyo Lengai (Mountain of God).

Vivian, a matriarch in waiting, upholds the strength of character inherent in her mother.

Vivian, a matriarch in waiting, upholds the strength of character inherent in her mother.

Wisdom’s Daughter represents the fierce courage necessary to nurture our better selves, so that we may grow back better.

Wisdom’s Daughter represents the fierce courage necessary to nurture our better selves, so that we may grow back better.

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Everything is interconnected, and interdependent.

It’s only together, that we can move forward.